How To Unhide Styles In Word For Mac

If you want to show or hide rulers in Microsoft Word, then you’ve come to the right place. Rulers in the document editor application for Microsoft Office’s suite of programs allow you to position text, tables, graphics, and other elements properly. They do add more space to the window, so for those who don’t want to use them can also hide them when you’re not using them.

Not every problem is large in scope. Susan Harkins finds simple solutions for three readers. Find out how to unhide columns and rows, use Office 365 on the Mac, and perform page numbering in sections. If you wish to hide text, select the text you wish to hide. If you wish to show text, select the area where the text is located, or press “ Control ” + “ A ” to select all text in the document. Select “ Home “, then expand the “ Font ” section. Check the “ Hidden ” box to show hidden text, or uncheck it to hide text. In MS Word, open the Styles Window. This is found on the Home ribbon, at the far right, via the small grey arrow below the Styles section. Alternatively press Alt + Ctrl +Shift +S; In the Styles Windows, click the New Style button; Create a new style with a unique name such as Front Page Heading ensuring it is based on the Heading 1 style.

Know How to Show or Hide the Rulers in Microsoft Word

Step 1 – Do note that the rulers in Microsoft Word are only visible when you’re within the Print Layout view. Therefore, if you don’t see these rulers, then you are not in this kind of view. To see them, head on to the “View” tab and then click on the “Print Layout” button which can be found under the Views section.

Step 2 – Even if you’re under the Print Layout view in Word, there are times when you don’t want these rulers to show. This is especially true if you’re working on a rather small monitor. Hence, to show or hide them even when you’re viewing your document under Print Layout view, head on back to the “View” tab and click on the tick box right next to the “Ruler” menu item found in the Show section. If you want to show these rulers once more, then all you have to do is to make sure that the aforementioned tick box is checked.

Step 3 – If you only want to show the horizontal ruler that is found on the top of your document but want to hide the vertical ruler found on the left portion of the window, then head on to the “File” tab first. Once clicked, head on to the backstage screen, and then click on “Options” which is found on the list of items on the left.

Step 4 – Once in this portion of Microsoft Word, click on “Advanced” within the list of items found on the left side of the Options screen. Scroll down towards the Display section and then keep the “Show vertical ruler in Print Layout view” unchecked. Make sure that you click on “OK” in order for the application to accept any changes that were done. Now whenever you hide or show the rulers, only the horizontal ruler found at the top will show, and the vertical ruler will no longer make itself visible.



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To display or hide formatting marks (e.g., spaces, tabs, and paragraphbreaks) in a Microsoft Word document:

Word for Windows

  1. In Word 2010, on the File tab, click Options. InWord 2007, from the Office Button menu, select WordOptions near the bottom right corner of the menu.
  2. Select Display from the listing at the left.
  3. In the section titled 'Always show these formatting marks on thescreen', check or uncheck the appropriate boxes to view the marks ofyour choice. To show or hide them all, select Show all formatting marks.
  4. To save your changes, click OK.

Word for Mac OS X

  1. From the Word menu, select Preferences....
  2. Select View.
  3. In the section titled 'Nonprinting characters', check or uncheckthe appropriate boxes to view the marks of your choice. CheckAll to see all formatting marks.
  4. To save your changes, click OK.

You can also toggle between displaying and hiding formattingmarks. To do so:

How To Unhide Styles In Word For Macs

  • In Word for Windows, on the Home tab, in the Paragraphgroup, click the paragraph icon.
  • In Word for Mac OS X, click the paragraph icon in the Standardtoolbar. If you don't see the icon, from the View menu,choose Toolbars, and then check Standard.