Arma 3 Draw Distance

  1. Arma 3 Draw Distance Mod
  2. Arma 3 Server Draw Distance
  3. Arma 3 Draw Distance Circle
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I was messing around with Arma 2 benchmark. Once you hit the draw distance to 10k. It bought a few tears to my eyes. It was maxed out but it was down in 10 -15 FPS after setting the draw distance to the max. I'm only guessing Arma 3 will be a bit more demanding. Don't really feel like dropping the cash to do the test though. In Server-side on Arma 3 Server Dev. Board Arma 3 Server Dev Change View distance/draw distance client side w/scripts.

The Task Enhancements system is scheduled to be replaced by Arma 3 Tasks Overhaul in Arma 3 1.58. //3d marker draw distance (default: 2000) share = 1; //0: do not. While plenty of games boast a respectable draw distance, if you want the crowned champion look no further than Arma 3 ($30 on Steam). Go ahead, set the draw distance to 25 kilometers. Arma 3 Server Config Generator BETA. Enables or disables the ability to place markers and draw lines in map. Active Persistance on server.

Draws an ingame icon at a given position. Command has to be executed each frame. Use addMissionEventHandler 'Draw3D' which is executed each frame and if user can see the drawing. In order for the results of this command to be visible through a custom camera, enable HUD with cameraEffectEnableHUD. showHUDfalse will hide icon drawing. In order for arrows to appear, the icon texture should exist. The arrows size is proportionate to icon size.


drawIcon3D [texture, color, position, width, height, angle, text, shadow, textSize, font, textAlign, drawSideArrows]
[texture, color, position, width, height, angle, text, shadow, textSize, font, textAlign, drawSideArrows]: Array
texture: String - icon image
color: Array - icon color in Color (RGBA) format
position: Array - icon world position in PositionAGL format
width: Number - icon width
height: Number - icon height
angle: Number - icon rotation angle
text (Optional): String - text label to display next to icon. Default: '.
shadow (Optional): Number or Boolean - if number: 0 = none, 1 = shadow (not used in this context, used in UI context), 2 = outline; if boolean: true - outline, false - none. Default: none.
textSize (Optional): Number - the size of the text. Default: whatever the default size is set for the system.
font (Optional): String - font class name from CfgFontFamilies. Default: 'RobotoCondensed',
textAlign (Optional): String - 'left', 'center', 'right'. Default: 'right'.
drawSideArrows (Optional): Boolean - true to draw arrows and the text label at edge of screen when icon moves off screen. Default: false.
Return Value:


Example 1:
Icon and text:addMissionEventHandler ['Draw3D', { drawIcon3D ['targetIcon.paa', [1,1,1,1], ASLToAGLgetPosASLcursorTarget, 1, 1, 45, 'Target', 1, 0.05, 'TahomaB'];}];
Example 2:
Just text:addMissionEventHandler ['Draw3D', { drawIcon3D [', [1,0,0,1], ASLToAGLgetPosASLcursorTarget, 0, 0, 0, 'Target', 1, 0.05, 'PuristaMedium'];}];

Additional Information

See also:

Arma 3 Draw Distance Mod


Only post proven facts here. Report bugs on the Feedback Tracker and discuss on the Arma Discord or on the Forums.
Posted on August 31, 2013
As command syntax indicates, this command expects icon position in format PositionAGL meaning that over the land it expects PositionATL and over the sea PositionASLW.
This command works well with addon textures, however getting it to display mission textures is a bit tricky. Follow this guide.
Posted on April 19, 2014
You should rely exclusively on modelToWorldVisual for a moving object's icon position if you want it to accurately stay at the correct height over the sea. It computes faster than ASLtoAGL.
Width, height, and textSize are proportional to the user's interface size, which can optionally be compensated against via size / (getResolution select 5)
Additionally, width and height are inversely proportional to the fovLeft and fovTop parameters from the user's ArmaProfile, and AFAIK those parameters are not retrievable via scripting. For example, a fovTop higher than the default value of 0.75 will make all 3D icons smaller vertically. I'm not sure if this is a bug or by design, however it is definitely annoying to take into account.
Posted on October 23, 2014 - 02:42 (UTC)
drawIcon3D and BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler work well together.
Using formatting commands with drawIcon3D will not work, instead, they will be added to the string.
['uniqueID', 'onEachFrame', { drawIcon3D['myIcon.jpg', [1,1,1,0.5], getPos player, 1, 1, 0, format['%1n%2', 'Dreaded', 'Entity']];}] call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler;Shown text will be DreadednEntity. (A3 1.32.127785)
The 'text' parameter must be a string. You cannot use Structured_Text.
['uniqueID', 'onEachFrame', { drawIcon3D [ 'myIcon.jpg', [1,1,1,0.5], getPos player, 1, 1, 0, parseText format['<t size='1.25' font='PuristaLight' color='#ff0000'>%1%2</t>', Dreaded, Entity] ];}] call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler;(A3 1.32.127785)
Posted on November 13 (2014)
Here's a practical example combining both drawLine3D and drawIcon3D. Note: You may want to use visiblePosition instead of getPos for moving objects. DEADPILOTS = [];{ if (getText (configfile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> typeOf _x >> 'textSingular') 'pilot') then { DEADPILOTS pushBack _x; };} forEach allDeadMen;addMissionEventHandler ['Draw3D', { if ( { player distance _x <= 15 } count DEADPILOTS > 0 ) then { { _corpsePos = getPos _x; if (player distance _corpsePos <= 15) then { _line1_start = _corpsePos; _line1_end = [(_line1_start select 0), (_line1_start select 1), 0.5]; _line2_start = [(_line1_end select 0), (_line1_end select 1) + 0.5, (_line1_end select 2)]; drawLine3D [_line1_start, _line1_end, [0,0,0,0.5]]; drawLine3D [_line1_end, _line2_start, [0,0,0,0.5]]; drawIcon3D ['a3ui_fdataguicfghintsBasicLook_ca.paa', [0,0,0,0.5], _line2_start, 0.75, 0.75, 0]; }; } forEach DEADPILOTS; };}];
Posted on February 11, 2016 - 07:37 (UTC)
You can also use getPosWorld (for X and Y only, but not Z), which works splendid in script performance. Here is an example:
addMissionEventHandler ['Draw3D', {
_pos = getPosWorld player;
drawIcon3D ['a3ui_fdataguiRscRscDisplayArsenalradio_ca.paa', [1,1,1,1], [(_pos select 0),(_pos select 1), 1], 0.8, 0.8, 0, (name player), 1, 0.0315, 'EtelkaMonospacePro'];
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Arma 3 Server Draw Distance

Arma 3 Draw DistanceArma 3 draw distance circle

With QUANTUM CHEATS ARMA III hack, you’ll be the strongest in the field!

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Name ESP/Box Distance ESP —— Box ESP Team Colors ESP Alive players ESP NPC ESP Corpse ESP Max distance 1-5000
Car ESP Helicopter ESP Airplanes ESP Tanks ESP Vehicle name ESP Max distance 1-5000


Enable Morder Mode Frame Player No Recoil Aimbot/Aimlock Select Murder Key
Distance prediction Bullet drop prediction Select Frame Key


Arma 3 draw distance

Server Info Draw Crosshair 1-1000


NightVision ThermalVision No Breath No Fall Damage Unlimited Stamina Map Teleport Speed hack 1-30

Quantum Cheats uses non-public anti cheat bypasses coded by ourselves. Security always comes first, when it comes down to our cheats.
That’s why we are always updating our hacks, test new features before we release them
and finding new ways to counter upcoming anti cheat updates before they get released.
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No cheat is undetectable. Detections can result in your game account getting banned.
Quantum Cheats always strives to keep each cheat as undetected as possible. However, cheating always involes a risk.
With buying our products you agree that you’ve read and understood about the risks which come with cheating.
Your game account is your responsibility. If you are afraid of loosing high valuable accounts, it’s recommened to not cheat at all.

Arma 3 Draw Distance Circle